Give them your scores, they’ll calculate your grade. Spot to plug in your teachers’ contact info. Note-taking with auto-save, with dictionary and translation built in. Community search for homework help, including in-site bookmarking. Friends list for you and classmates. Standalone and group calendaring options.

mynoteIT makes it easy to evaluate, because they have a TRY IT section to let you evaluate the product even before signing up. Forget that for a minute, because I’m really stuck on the fact that these guys did it right: they saw a way to be helpful, and they built their code around that. It’s worth checking out and thinking about. If you’re building yet another tracking, task, to-do, and calendering software for the masses, what COULD you do with it that’d make it very useful to a specific demographic? Now that I think of that, Jake, give me an email, okay? mynoteIT – Student Life Management Online